Architectural Fiberglass, Inc. | 8300 Bessemer Ave. Cleveland, OH 44127-1839
Phone: 216-641-8300 - Fax: 216-641-8150 - Toll Free: 888-483-1775 |
E-Mail: sales@fiberglass-afi.com

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Fiberglass (FRP) Column Price List

Column pricing below should be used for general budgeting and comparing the cost of the different column materials listed below. See Fiberglass Columns for a description of the column materials. For current pricing please call Architectural Fiberglass, Inc. Price includes smooth tapered column shaft, tuscan capital and base. Shafts can be cut at the bottom to accommodate height adjustment. Call for pricing on fluted columns, decorative capitals, or attic bases. Structural columns listed below can also be split for re-assembly to be used as column covers. Call for pricing on non-structural fiberglass column covers manufactured in other sizes and custom shapes.

Column Size Fiberglass Column Cover Polymer Composite Columns  
Whole Split    
6" x 6'   $149.72 $183.53    
6" x 8'   $164.99 $198.80    
8" x 6'   $155.17 $188.98    
8" x 8'   $166.15 $199.95    
8" x 9'   $181.31 $221.88    
8" x 10'   $197.29 $237.85    
10" x 6' $454.50 $196.59 $230.40    
10" x 7' $519.43        
10" x 8' $584.36 $205.06 $238.87    
10" x 9' $649.29 $226.92 $267.49    
10" x 10' $714.22 $247.11 $287.67    
10" x 11' $779.15        
10" x 12' $844.08 $289.80 $337.13    
12" x 6' $535.14 $258.29 $298.86    
12" x 7' $611.59        
12" x 8' $688.04 $270.27 $310.84    
12" x 9' $764.48 $299.39 $346.72    
12" x 10' $840.93 $324.95 $372.28    
12" x 11' $917.38        
12" x 12' $993.83 $378.02 $432.11    
12" x 14'   $561.07 $621.92    
12" x 16'   $858.97 $926.58    
14" x 8' $791.71 $690.62 $757.40    
14" x 9' $879.68 $698.68 $773.81    
14" x 10' $967.64 $706.74 $790.21    
14" x 11' $1,055.61        
14" x 12' $1,143.58 $771.17 $871.34    
14" x 13' $1,231.55        
14" x 14' $1,319.51 $978.45 $1,095.32    
14" x 15' $1,407.48        
14" x 16' $1,495.45 $1,177.44 $1,311.00    
15" x 8' $843.54        
15" x 9' $937.27        
15" x 10' $1,031.00        
16" x 8' $895.38 $748.44 $815.22    
16" x 9' $994.87 $817.31 $892.43    
16" x 10' $1,094.35 $886.16 $969.63    
16" x 10' $1,094.35 $886.16 $969.63    
16" x 11' $1,193.84        
16" x 12' $1,293.33 $982.84 $1,083.01    
16" x 14'   $1,322.20 $1,439.07    
16" x 16'   $1,544.49 $1,678.05    
16" x 18'   $1,744.22 $1,894.47    
16" x 20'   $1,942.47 $2,109.42    
17" x 8' $947.22        
17" x 9' $1,052.46        
17" x 10' $1,157.71        
18" x 8' $999.05 $1,602.97 $1,669.75    
18" x 9' $1,110.06 $1,658.89 $1,734.02    
18" x 10' $1,221.06 $1,686.79 $1,770.27    
18" x 11' $1,332.07        
18" x 12' $1,443.08 $1,775.72 $1,875.89    
18" x 13' $1,554.08        
18" x 14' $1,665.09 $1,834.04 $1,950.90    
18" x 15' $1,776.09        
18" x 16' $1,887.10 $1,912.01 $2,045.57    
18" x 17' $1,998.11        
18" x 18' $2,109.11 $2,070.17 $2,220.43    
18" x 19' $2,220.12        
18" x 20' $2,331.12 $2,354.45 $2,521.40    
18" x 21' $2,442.13        
18" x 22' $2,553.14 $2,521.37 $2,705.01    
18" x 23' $2,664.14        
18" x 24' $2,775.15 $2,697.03 $2,897.37    
19" x 10' $1,284.42        
19" x 11' $1,401.19        
19" x 12' $1,517.95        
19" x 13' $1,634.72        
19" x 14' $1,751.48        
19" x 15' $1,868.25        
20" x 6'   $2,084.38 $2,134.47    
20" x 8'   $2,095.49 $2,162.27    
20" x 10' $1,367.94 $2,165.60 $2,249.08    
20" x 11' $1,492.30        
20" x 12' $1,616.66 $2,201.15 $2,301.32    
20" x 13' $1,741.02        
20" x 14' $1,865.38 $2,299.56 $2,416.42    
20" x 15' $1,989.73        
20" x 16' $2,114.09 $2,366.60 $2,500.16    
20" x 17' $2,238.45        
20" x 18' $2,362.81 $2,420.54 $2,570.79    
20" x 19' $2,487.17        
20" x 20' $2,611.53 $2,517.47 $2,684.42    
20" x 21' $2,735.88        
20" x 22' $2,860.24 $2,614.42 $2,798.06    
20" x 23' $2,984.60        
20" x 24' $3,108.96 $2,777.69 $2,978.03    
22" x 10' $1,494.65        
22" x 11' $1,630.53        
22" x 12' $1,766.41        
22" x 13' $1,902.29        
22" x 14' $2,038.16        
22" x 15' $2,174.04        
22" x 16' $2,309.92        
22" x 17' $2,445.80        
22" x 18' $2,581.67        
22" x 19' $2,717.55        
22" x 20' $2,853.43        
22" x 21' $2,989.31        
22" x 22' $3,125.18        
24" x 8' $1,326.57 $2,556.51 $2,623.29    
24" x 9' $1,473.97        
24" x 10' $1,621.36 $2,574.32 $2,657.80    
24" x 11' $1,768.76        
24" x 12' $1,916.16 $2,782.74 $2,882.91    
24" x 13' $2,063.55        
24" x 14' $2,210.95 $2,839.58 $2,956.44    
24" x 15' $2,358.35        
24" x 16' $2,505.74 $3,217.88 $3,351.44    
24" x 17' $2,653.14        
24" x 18' $2,800.54 $3,579.42 $3,729.68    
24" x 19' $2,947.93        
24" x 20' $3,095.33 $4,042.27 $4,209.22    
24" x 22'   $4,411.09 $4,594.73    
24" x 24'   $4,781.34 $4,981.68    
28" x 10' $1,894.95        
28" x 11' $2,067.22        
28" x 12' $2,239.49        
28" x 13' $2,411.76        
28" x 14' $2,584.03        
28" x 15' $2,756.29        
28" x 16' $2,928.56        
28" x 17' $3,100.83        
28" x 18' $3,273.10        
28" x 19' $3,445.37        
28" x 20' $3,617.64        
28" x 21' $3,789.91        
28" x 22' $3,962.17        
28" x 23' $4,134.44        
28" x 24' $4,306.71        
28" x 25' $4,478.98        
30" x 16' $3,124.39        
30" x 17' $3,308.18        
30" x 18' $3,491.96        
30" x 19' $3,675.75        
30" x 20' $3,859.54        
30" x 21' $4,043.33        
30" x 22' $4,227.11        
30" x 23' $4,410.90        
30" x 24' $4,594.69        
36" x 18' $4,148.56        
36" x 19' $4,366.90        
36" x 20' $4,585.25        
36" x 21' $4,803.59        
36" x 22' $5,021.94        
36" x 23' $5,240.28        
36" x 24' $5,458.63        
36" x 25' $5,676.97        
36" x 26' $5,895.32        
36" x 27' $6,113.66        
36" x 28' $6,332.01        
40" x 14' $3,620.75        
40" x 15' $3,862.14        
40" x 16' $4,103.52        
40" x 17' $4,344.90        
40" x 18' $4,586.29        
40" x 19' $4,827.67        
40" x 20' $5,069.05        
40" x 21' $5,310.44        
40" x 22' $5,551.82        
40" x 23' $5,793.20        
40" x 24' $6,034.59        
40" x 25' $6,275.97        
40" x 26' $6,517.35        
40" x 27' $6,758.74        
40" x 28' $7,000.12        
40" x 29' $7,241.50        
40" x 30' $7,482.89        
48" x 20' $6,036.66        
48" x 21' $6,324.12        
48" x 22' $6,611.58        
48" x 23' $6,899.04        
48" x 24' $7,186.50        
48" x 25' $7,473.96        
48" x 26' $7,761.42        
48" x 27' $8,048.88        
48" x 28' $8,336.34        
48" x 29' $8,623.80        
48" x 30' $8,911.26        

IBC Building Code
Changes 2009/2012
Fire Retardancy
And Fiberglass